Danish Crane Building offers 24-hour crane service at phone number +45 70 27 07 77, where the service department answers calls around the clock. Our service vehicles carry many vital crane parts and can therefore handle crane service very quickly and efficiently.
Our service office is located in Nibe, Denmark. The office is staffed with competent employees during the following hours:
Monday – Thursday: 7:00am – 3:30pm
Friday: 7:00am – 12:00pm
Find your contact person from our Service Department here:
Jacob Pedersen
Head of Service
Direct: 0045 5156 9826
Flemming Dam Andersen
Team Lead, Service
Direct: 0045 6193 1289
Ronnie Thomsen
Technical Service Coordinator
Direct: 0045 4193 8533
Ulla Studsgaard
Technical Service Coordinator
Direct: 0045 4193 8545
René Grøn Jensen
Technical Service Coordinator
Direct: 0045 5156 9824
Anders Kaas Petersen
PLC, Service Support
Direct: 0045 5156 9834